Fire Departments no longer have to choose between water mobility. The RidgeRunner™ brings you a large pumping capacity and a large water tank (up to 1000 gallons), combines with superior pump-and-roll, puts it in a short package with a tight wheelbase, and accessorizes it with all the NFPA 1901 pumper requirements. Whether it’s on the highway, off road, in the forest, or up the driveway, the RidgeRunner™ is designed for the job.

Most manufacturers make you choose: you can have big pump capacity, but you have to stomp on the accelerator to get decent water pressure for rolling attack. Or you can have great rolling attack, but you can’t move big water. That’s not the case with the RidgeRunner™.

Similar trucks are notorious for having small compartments. Not the RidgeRunner™. It features 29” deep compartments and 200 cubic feet of enclosed storage volume.The RidgeRunner™ has room for a full-length extension ladder, roof ladder, and folding ladder. This allows you to get full ISO credit as a pumper.

This truck has been tested to more than 30 degrees of tilt under the expected loading. While your performance will vary with your specific configuration and equipment, you can be sure that this truck is as comfortable off-road as can be. Regardless of the terrain or the weather you have to pass-through, this truck can get you there and back safely.

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